IL-2 Sturmovik: Cliffs of Dover fps test in London - Mods and Custom Graphic Settings in

Pc used: I7 920 overclocked to 3,33Ghz 6 GB RAM DDR3 Nvidia GTX275 Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits Aero deactivated. Relevant settings in Nvidia Panel: AA set to 2x Anisotropic filter deactivated Vsync activated Desktop set to 1920x1080 resolution Graphic setting in the simulator: 1920x1080 resolution Buildings, scenario: low Trees: deactivated Effects: medium Planes, damage: high Shadows and runways: activated Grass: deactivated Realism settings: full real except for external views Mods used: only NOSSAO, since no improvement in fps and/or stutters observed when activating Lowtex, and NoMipMap causes crashes when loading mission. FPS measured in fraps... variable from 34 to 45, with some minor stutters sometimes when loading buildings.
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