911 called for preaching Jesus cops show up with an attitude | Gatlinburg, TN

Someone called 911 and told the police a man is yelling on the street. This happened within minutes of us beginning to preach on the street in Gatlinburg, TN. Three cop cars roll up on me and get out as though they are expecting trouble. I tell them I’m only preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I tried to be respectful of the law and their authority but could not help but think the whole situation was ridiculous. They told me I can preach as long as it’s in a normal voice. Christianity outside the four walls of a building is slowly being stifled and cut off here in America. They make these noise ordinances with preachers in mind. Please continue to pray for us. Thanks. Torch of Christ Ministries is fully committed to evangelizing the world through the gospel of Jesus Christ with a balanced approach and the full counsel of God’s Word. Thank you for being a part of this ministry as we take the light of Christ into the darkest and most dangerous places. ----------------------------------------
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