(29 Aug 1997) T/I: 10:51:40
The flashpoint Bosnian Serb town of Brcko was calm on Friday (29/8), a day after angry mobs attacked multinational forces and destroyed United Nations property. On Thursday (28/8), Serb mobs looted UN police headquarters and destroyed some 40 vehicles in rioting. Petrol bombs, bottles and stones were hurled at NATO-led troops, who responded with tear gas and warning shots. The entire UN presence was evacuated from the town. The ugly scenes came as a power struggle between Bosnian Serb President Biljana Plavsic and her former ally Radovan Karadzic intensified. NATO had deployed troops in Brcko to try and prevent violence between supporters of the rival factions, amid
reports that pro-Plavsic forces were to take over a local police
WS of Brkco bridge (which was blocked yesterday) with car crossing; helicopter in sky flying over town;
WS US SFOR tanks crossing bridge;
MS tanks crossing bridge;
CU soldier on tank;
VS people cleaning up debris in streets after Thursday’s (28/8) clashes;
EXT building;
SOT IPTF spokesman, Keti Ladun (in English) discussing Thursday’s problems: “All IPTF stations in Brcko have been evacuted at 0200 am local time and three IPTF soldiers were lightly injured yesterday, two of them in clashes with windows of our cars were broken..“
Cutaways; Ladun continues: “The situation is now normal and I hope the local authorities never let this happen again on the streets of
More people cleaning up the streets;
VS damages in the streets;
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