That was close, almost got eaten by a Bear - Stalker Anomaly - 4K Textures + HD mods + Reshade

STALKER Anomaly mods Mods used and installed in this order for this gameplay; * * * Souvlakis_FAL_2.0 * * 01. EFT repos AWAR (this patch comes in ) * BlindsidesReanimationPackLoner.7 * * 02. EFT repos Blindsides reanim (this patch comes in ) * BlindsidesReanimationpackJSRS_patch.6 * * bas_patch_28-Dec-21 * 03. Patch Boomsticks and Sharpsticks (this patch comes in ) * 04. Patch BaS JSRS (this patch comes in ) * Saiga-12K_Remodel_Rebalance.3 * SVD_Replacer_Rebalance.4 * The_G36_Pack.5 * 05. Patch BAN(strogglet15) guns (this patch comes in ) * Bas & BWRR audio handling pack patch (this patch comes in ) * *
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