CGI Animated Short Film: “Retaliation“ by Emely Michel | @CGMeetup

CGI 3D Animated Short Film: Retaliation Animated Short Film by Emely Michel. Featured on CGMeetup In this 3D animated short A “Monster“ finds itself in a cave-like pit. The residents taunt and mock the beast by hurling rocks at it from the outside. One night the Monster finds a way to make them regret by making use of the thrown rocks. This is a semester project where I had to work alone on the visuals. I had help with the sound and Music. This project was created in roughly 3 months. I used Blender for animation, rendering, sculpting, rigging and modeling. The character was textured in Substance painter.I got some free textures and assets from the internet to build my environment. Credit Retaliation: Viusals: Emely Michel Music and Soundeffects: Aron Jäger Frederik Herre
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