The Mysterious Medieval Skeleton Found Buried In Salisbury Cathedral | Time Team | Chronicle

The team is on Phil’s home turf, where 200 years ago some of the cathedral’s most beautiful buildings were demolished, including a bell tower and two chapels. Moreover, there is a mystery surrounding leg-bones discovered under one of the chapels. Could they belong to Bishop Beauchamp, who built one of the chapels? Bone specialist Jackie thinks she can solve the mystery. The team is hoping to get an insight into the purpose and function of this magnificent medieval structure, as well as the city that surrounds it. Stewart is more interested in Constable’s famous watercolor of the cathedral. Raysan builds a Lego model, and Brigid finds a unique coin. They make some interesting discoveries about the foundations of these various buildings. They are joined by the cathedral archaeologist Tim Tatton-Brown, and historic buildings consultant Richard K. Morris. Historian Elaine Chalus talks to Helen about the charismatic personality of Bishop Beauchamp himself. Welcome to Chronicle; your home for all
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