Super Sentai Hero Getter (スーパー戦隊 ヒーローゲッター) Version 1.4

This video was made by a fan in Japan to celebrate the 35th anniversary of the Super Sentai series, ongoing since 1976. This is a slightly longer version of the Gokaiger ED theme, which includes mention of the last 2 series (Gokaiger and Go-Busters) -- and the footage through the years of the evolution of the Super Sentai series is astounding. Come sing along, if you know the words! 日本のファンは、スーパー戦隊シリーズの35周年を祝って、このビデオを作った。スーパー戦隊シリーズは1976年以来続けられてきました。これは、最後の2シリーズ、ゴーカイジ
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