In February 2023, we go quantum with Marvel’s Ant-Man threequel. This time Ant-Man . Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), his daughter Cassie (Kathryn Newton), the Wasp (Evangeline Lilly), and her parents Hank and Janet (Michael Douglas and Michelle Pfeiffer), are trapped in the Quantum Realm. Scott was stuck there during Thanos’ snap in ’Avengers: Infinity War’ (2018). Janet Van Dyne (the original Wasp) was also lost in this microverse for 30 years. While there, she came face to face with the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s next big bad, Kang the Conqueror, . He Who Remains from “Loki“ Season 1, who has built a tiny domain and has designs on much more. Actor Jonathan Majors is stoked to menace the MCU for the foreseeable future. Marvel villain MODOK, a super-intelligent mutated human-cyborg, will also be introduced in the film. ’Quantumania’ launches the MCU’s Phase 5 that includes sequels to Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel, and Captain America, as well as the retur