15. The Tobacco Paradigm

Environmental Politics and Law (EVST 255) The lecture explores the development of scientific proof of the harm that tobacco poses to human health and the legal tools used to regulate its use. The government has used warnings, control over advertising, and age restrictions to regulate tobacco. The tobacco industry has been able to complicate efforts to impose stricter regulations on tobacco consumption due to its power in the media due to ad sales and government due to the importance of cigarette sales taxes to state governments. 00:00 - Chapter 1. Tobacco’s Legal Paradigm 11:49 - Chapter 2. Targeting and Advertising Trends 21:29 - Chapter 3. Problematic Adoption and Prevalence Rates 25:47 - Chapter 4. An Evolving Legal Framework 37:48 - Chapter 5. Isn’t Nicotine a Drug? Complete course materials are available at the Open Yale Courses website: This course was recorded in Spring 2010.
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