C. G. Jung - Povedený kacíř (Dokumentární film, 2020)
Dokumentární film zaměřující se na známou osobnost ze světa psychologie Carla Gustava Junga. Snímkem doprovází spisovatel a psycholog Pjér la Šé’z. České titulky pro neslyšící lze zapnout kliknutím na ozubeného kolečko.
For English spectators ( You can turn on English subtitles): Carl Gustav Jung was one of the most significant personalities in psychology, together with his mentor and colleague, Sigmund Freud. Their paths diverged after years of collaboration as Jung tended to get insights into human psyche through dreams, mythology, religion and art rather than human sexuality which Freud emphasized. Filmed in Jung’s homeland of Switzerland, this documentary is narrated by Pjér la Šé´z, a writer and psychologist inspired by Jung’s legacy.