Hi it’s Anthony! From one of the most aggressive predators on the planet, to some rare endangered species, here are 10 of the most unusual pets in the world!
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10: The Striped Hyena
Having a hyena for a pet is not a great idea. It is never a good idea to have an exotic animal for a pet, but hyenas are an especially terrible idea. They are wild animals and can be extremely hostile. However, people do keep hyenas as pets. In the Ethiopian town of Harar, there is a famous pack of hyenas who live near the city and come each night to collect food from a local butcher.
9: Monkeys
Monkeys are adorable. Well, maybe not all monkeys, as some are horribly ugly and terrifying to behold, but other monkeys are quite adorable. I’m talking about the little monkeys that can hang out on your shoulder for anywhere from 20 to 40 years. But taking on a pet monkey is a huge deal and a massive commitment, as they live basically as long as you do.
8: Anteaters
Anteaters are pretty