„Wie Sie die ReGIERung verblendet“ - Sehen Sie hinter die Kulissen des Fernsehens und wie es Sie gefügig macht !!!
English title:
How the government is blinding you – Watch behind the scenes of TV and how it makes you pliably !!!
The Video was made for WAKENING UP you. You are always DESINFORMED by MAINSTREAM Media. They only tell you the HALF TRUTH. And that’s not enough. You need to know everything, if you want to understand the MATRIX, in which you live. The cuts from the movie „They Live“ of John Carpenter are the most important ones. Here you are explained, what’s really happening behing the „scenes“, when he puts on the SUN GLASSES. That’s the TRUTH, what he sees through the glasses. Please REALIZE that, SHEEPLE !!!
IT IS A RE-UPLOAD OF THE OLD CENSORED „KerstinMonika“ CHANNEL. The music was made by „The Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy“ with their song: „Television, the Drug of the Nation“ of the album: „Hypocrisy is the Greatest Luxury“.
These are the LYRICS of the song in the background of the „They Live“ - scenes:
One nation under God has turned into one nation under the influence of one drug. Television, the drug of the Nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation (2x) T.V., it Satellite links our United States of unconsciousness. Apathetic, therapeutic and extremely addictive. The methadone metronome pumping out 150 channels 24 hours a day, you can flip through all of them and still there’s nothing worth watching. T.V. is the reason why less than 10 per cent of our Nation reads books daily. Why most people think Central America means Kansas, Socialism means unamerican and Apartheid is a new headache remedy, absorbed in it’s world it’s so hard to find us, it shapes our mind the most, maybe the mother of our Nation should remind us that we’re sitting too close to Television, the drug of the Nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation (2x) T.V. is the stomping ground for political candidates, where bears in the woods are chased by Grecian Formula’d, Bald eagles, T.V. is mechanized politic’s, Remote control over the masses, Co-sponsored by environmentally safe gases, watch for the PBS special, it’s the perpetuation of the two party system, where image takes precedence over wisdom, where sound bite politics are served to the fastfood culture, where straight teeth in your mouth are more important than the words that come out of it. Race baiting is the way to get selected, Willie Horton or will he not get elected on...
Television, the drug of the Nation, breeding ignorance and feeding radiation (2x) T.V., is it the reflector or the director ? Does it imitate us or do we imitate it because a child watches 1500 murders before he’s twelve years old and we wonder why we’ve created a Jason generation that learns to laugh, rather than to abhor the horror T.V. is the place where armchair generals and quarterbacks can experience first hand.
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