Our Friend - The Dog (1919)

Produced and Photographed by the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals. Showing various types of dogs and the tasks they do. “Dogs are often more than pets.“ reads an intertitle. Sequence of shepherd with his collie dog rounding up sheep and driving them into farmyard. Set in English countryside with old shepherd. Sequence showing couple on golf course searching for lost ball amongst the gorse. Their dog helps them and finds the ball. Dogs with children, guarding baby carriage, playing with children, trotting alongside children as they ride along country lane in horse and cart. Also dogs as companions, seen with people, cats, chickens. Dogs seen with child rescued from drowning then man on beach with a dog rescued from drowning. Man with dog that he rescued from a mine shaft. Sequence illustrating various do’s and don’ts of owning a dog: give it plenty of drinking water, don’t let it cross the road by itself, don’t over feed, give plenty of exercise, use a running chain if it must be
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