Best PED for GROWTH? Big Ramy & Ronnie Coleman’s Coach Chad Nicholls Q&A | BU 27 (PART 3)
Chad Nicholls answers YOUR Questions with input from IFBB Pro’s Martin Fitzwater, Stanimal (Stan De Longeaux) & host Xavier Wills. Chad answers what if his Bodybuilding Cycles from the 90’s are the same or similar as the cycles he recommends today What is the the best PED for Muscle Growth, his secret Apple Pie Filling, Did Big Ramy Eat Pizza before the 2022 Mr Olympia, Micro-Dosing Test, SARMS, Hair Loss MUCH MORE!
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[Time Stamps]
00:00 Video Topics
01:11 Chad Nicholls Cycles the same TODAY vs the 90’s?
02:20 Chad Nicholls Sons
06:00 Chad Nicholls’ Apple Pie Filling Story EXPLAINED!
8:45 Most common PED to GROW on? Testosterone... Which is best?
11:45 Micro Dosing Testosterone Daily
19:51 Cortisol Blocker
23:20 Ashwaghanda for Fatigue
27:00 Why was Big Ramy Eating Pizza Before the Mr Olympia?
27:50 SARMS… Does Chad Nicholls recommend them?
35:49 Crazy Ab CRAMPS