Lee Mitchell - The Frog - 1958 Rock N Roll - Phillips 3530

Curley Money - Vocal and Guitar Bill Justis - Saxophone Lee Mitchell - Vocal Curley Money Trio Now this should have been the real follow-up to Bill Justis’ “Raunchy“. Slap Bill Justis’ name on it and you’re set to go. I mean, hell, that’s Justis playing sax on “The Frog“. Why not just credit him and be done with it? Ironically, the formula here is closer to the original record of “Raunchy“ than anything subsequently issued under Justis’ name. Even beyond the saxwork, we have that weird hoedown guitar (courtesy of Billy Riley) and a guitar break that lies strikingly close to the original Justis record. What’s unclear at this point is what role Mitchell played in all this. In a recent interview with Colin Escott, Mitchell disavowed any involvement in “The Frog“. Despite the label credit to the Curley Money Combo, it was Sun session guys all the way. Money had done no more than bring Mitchell to Sun Records.
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