Let’s Play - Final Fantasy XIV - Part 46 - Distant World

Part 46 of my ’Let’s Play’ gameplay and commentary in the MMO, Final Fantasy XIV, by Square Enix. In this very special episode we’re joined by our wonderful viewers, as we gather in Ul’Dah on the newly merged ’Masamune’ server, to observe a momentous occaision in our FFXIV Let’s Play series. With the aid of Pico Man and Seyo Meyo, we go about the task of creating our very own LinkShell for the series. As part of the process we decide upon a name, based on the votes that came in for the suggestions offered by you, and we celebrate in style with our newfound LinkShell members. My sincere thanks go to all of those who took part in this event. Winning Linkshell Name provided by: Seyo Meyo’s Channel: Part 45: Part 47: All content © 2011 Square
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