Elvis Presley’s GRACELAND! Ultimate VIP Tour to celebrate Elvis’ Birthday 2024! #elvispresley
Elvis Presley’s home”GRACELAND”. Our recap from our full video out on our channel as well when we did the Ultimate VIP Tour to celebrate Elvis week 2023! This is “MUST DO” tour when you visit Elvis Presley’s home at Graceland in Memphis, Tennessee.
Click on the link below to view our FULL video of the Ultimate Graceland experience - find out everything you need to know! Elvis’ 45th!
Hello Everyone,
Today we present our RECAP video to celebrate Elvis week 2023! This video is something that is special to J of Team AJ as she is a huge Elvis Presley fan. In this video, we give a full tour of the home that is known as Graceland. In this Ultimate Experience tour, we had a amazing tour guide Kristin that showed us most of the Graceland Estate. The Tour even includes an extra special building that is only for people on the Ultimate Experience!
Why is Elvis Week in August?
Elvis Week 2023 will mark the 46th anniversary of Elvis’ passing and the nine-day event will take place from Aug. 9 to Aug. 17 at Elvis Presley’s Graceland.
We want to give a huge thank you to Graceland for trusting is and allowing us to film. From the bottom of our hearts thank you.❤️❤️❤️❤️. We hope we made you proud!!!
So please come along with us on an once in a lifetime experience and let us show you the wonder and amazing place known as Graceland!
If you enjoy this video, please Like, Comment, And Subscribe! We are almost to 11,000 subscribers, please help us reach our “Graceland“.
Also don’t forget to check out our other Elvis video’s on our channel as well. We also went to visit Elvis’s birthplace in Tupelo, Mississippi and that is a “MUST DO” for sure! You can check check out those videos on our channel as well.
Thank you for watching.
A-Ron and Jen,
The Misadventures of Team A.J.
Mote info on Graceland and the ultimate VIP tour:
Graceland Website
Info on Graceland Tickets including the Ultimate Experience
More Graceland Info from Wikipedia
Elvis Presley from Wikipedia
Link to St. Jude Children’s Research Center
Mote info from Graceland on Elvis week:
Our Graceland Playlist
With our Full TOUR Videos
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