Far Cry - From Dusk Till Dawn / The escape (Level 7)

Far Cry - From Dusk Till Dawn (От Рассвета до Заката) Far Cry Texture FIX - Far Cry - От Рассвета до Заката, Прохождение игры. Уровень 7. Побег. Far Cry - From Dusk Till Dawn, Walkthrough. Level 7. The escape. This level starts in an original way: you are sitting in a cage without even a machete, the door does not open, and in the yard the measurements are cut with trigens. A rocket flies in and explodes, there is little health left, but the door is open. Grab the machine gun standing next to you and try to put down the merks standing next to you before they put you down. Then gradually lean out from behind the corner and bring down the snipers on the towers and everyone nearby. In the barracks on the right is a first aid kit and armor, as well as cartridges. In the garage on the left, two nimble people are hiding. Binoculars on a table under a canopy. Between the two tanks is a place where to lay explosives. It remains only to find her...
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