Relaxing Whiskey Blues Music | Best Of Slow Blues /RocGuitar#kiexo #scam #лохотрон #kiexo лохотрон

Music is also used for what you say, not just for entertainment, but also for accompanying us while we perform other missions. My passion is writing, and my habit of listening to blues while doing it produces amazing results because of the simple fact that it motivates and ignites the imagination. This playlist features great songs and performers. - Please Subscribe New My Channel : Tracklist : [00:00:00] - Albert Cummings - Lonely Bed [00:07:21] - Buster Benton - Money Is The Name of The Game [00:13:29] - Chris Bell - Elevator To Heaven [00:22:38] - Daniel Castro - I’ll Play The Blues For You [00:30:21] - Guy Davis - Loneliest Road That I Know [00:37:46] - Henrik Freischlader - Lonely World [00:46:12] - JT Coldfire - She’s Crazy [00:51:35] - Mighty Mo Rodgers - Picasso Blue [00:58:20] - Mike Griffin - The Blues Ain’t Never Gonna Die [01:09:59] - Rory Gallagher - What In The World [01:19:22] - Ti
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