ULTIMATE BAT COWL? Pure Arts Batman 89 Cowl Keaton Replica Review!

*Low Stock @ Sideshow! Today I review the Pure Arts Batman 89 Life-Size Cowl Replica! Above Gotham City looms its greatest Super Hero: Batman™. Rich playboy & philanthropist by day and defender of the city by night, Batman™ is revitalized with the PureArts Batman™ 1:1 Cowl Replica! Using 3D scans of the original prop from the 1989 film and owned by PureArts, our Batman™ 1:1 Cowl Replica is carefully crafted for a realistic recreation of Batman™’s Cowl. With a miniature Gotham City mayoral house statue and removable emblem, this first collectible in our Batman™ collection has it all! Su...pport The Channel By Ordering Your Statues HERE: E-Win Racing Gaming Chair Use code BATMAN at checkout for 20% off here: If you would like to tip the channel to help with tech and data costs, or just to show the love for the content you can click HERE:
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