As we have mentioned, traveling Europe by train is already faster than by plane right now, and Japan is testing a “Supreme” version of its popular high-speed trains. You can’t ride that one just yet, but there are more than a few bullet trains available to speed up your travels. What is the maximum speed for trains? In 2015, the Japanese train achieved an absolute railway speed record of 375 mph. In reality, there are about 10 super-fast trains with a speed greater than 200 mph. In this comparative review, we have collected such fastest trains in the world. You will find out what are the fastest trains in the world, what are their maximum speeds, in which countries they operate, who their manufacturer is and a lot of other interesting information. Here are the world’s fastest high-speed trains in commercial service, ranked by speed.
Clip Credits
10. Eurostar e320
09. Korail KTX
08. Deutsche Ba