What Does the Bible Say About the Magi (Wise Men)?

Tradition, folklore, and song lyrics have contributed to many different stories about the magi (or wise men) associated with the birth of Jesus. This teaching explains the biblical record of the Magi who travelled to see him “who has been born king of the Jews,” Jesus. Verses: Dan. 5:11; Mic. 5:2; Matt. 2:1-4, 8-9, 11 Teacher: John Schoenheit For further study see: Who were the Magi, or Wise Men? at Mary, the Mother of Jesus: Defining True Greatness at Mary, a Teenage Bride and Mother at Retelling the Christmas Story: Where was Jesus born? Was it in a stable, cave, or a home? at Was Jesus born on December 25th or early September? at To whom is the Peace? A study of what the angels really proclaimed at the Birth of Jesus at
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