NEW Artifact Set! BEST for MAX Damage? Testing ST & AoE Rogue vs Demo - Neverwinter M22 Preview

With mod 22, we can get a new set! The Mythallar Set. So let’s check it out and how good it is. Here we upgrade it and test it in single target against the chult dummy, and compare it against the Demo set. We also check it out in AoE, and dam it performs well on a Rogue! Many thanks to my channel members: Jan Martin Brenden, Raider Nation, Juice DaNinja, Steff, Sara Medusa, BABY ZARIEL, Kevfire, Marc, PurplestickPunch, ProActress, BPS, Billy K, jmerriex, Zewu, Olga FitzGerald, Mikhail Kavalevich, Buckeye, Justin Maier, Gordon Smith, Kristy Cole, KeGeKK, Mike Thompson, John Sherman, Chris Mit...chell, Mr Linde, Black Irish, Ali, Hand erly for the support :D My Discord Server: My 2nd Channel New World: Companion Document: Join My Neverwinter Guild “Crusaders“:
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