Proper Fixes 1.3 for GTA SA Android

Proper Fixes Mobile is the official port of PC Proper Fixes, which is the most comprehensive bug fix pack for GTA San Andreas on PC. This mobile version brings the same extensive collection of fixes and patches to the mobile platform, ensuring a smoother and more stable gameplay experience for players on smartphones. The Proper Fixes Mobile pack combines all the major patch mods for the game’s map, integrating thousands of fixes and patches developed by the GTA San Andreas community over the years. These fixes address a wide range of issues, including but not limited to: - Missing objects PS2 or XBOX - Game crashes and instability - Map bugs and inconsistencies - Beta leftovers fixes - Does not include LoD Vegetation - Does not includes any cleo or plugin - etc By installing Proper Fixes Mobile, players can enjoy GTA San Andreas on their mobile devices with improved performance, fewer bugs, and a more polished overall experience. Whether you’re revisiting the streets of Los Santos or exploring the vast countryside of San Andreas, Proper Fixes Mobile ensures that your journey is smoother and more enjoyable than ever before. if the link is not clickable, copy and paste through chrome (browser) for data only user: (data_only_user% for obb user: (obb_user% – Proper Fixes Mobile: Proper Fixes: Junior_Djjr, Jéssica Natália, Hysen, Aal Mobile version pack: Aal Fixes: Junior_Djjr, Jéssica Natália, Hysen, Aal – Credits: Other miscellaneous fixes: Zeneric, Dragomazing, Diniz, Mystertv, , Yucark, luke_skywalker, Aal, StreetFonso, Kaoru, Tripaseca, KaiQ Better Leftovers Fix : Jéssica Natália, Junior_Djjr, OjTrue, Yhdf , _F_, KUSTODIY, M. Osborn, dmpbr, El_Narrador, Alexa21, neon, Zeneric Missing lamppost fix: Junior_Djjr 2dfx Homeless Pedestrian Effect: Aal PS2 Map Fixes : ELDorado, Reyks, atfburner PS2 files: aap PS2/XBOX Object Restoration : Aal, JohnKyleGSF14 Grass Color Fix : Junior_Djjr Project Lumos: Jéssica Natália Map Textures Fix : YOEL_44, Jéssica Natália, Junior_Djjr, Blackbird88, Tomasak, Berry No Aggressive Drivers: Rockstar Games (PS2 file) nadalao weapon icons: nadalao More Door in Interior: Ruben Vieira Proper PS2 Vehicles: Jéssica Natália, Aal Vertex Color Fix 2dfx effects : atfburner Vertex Color Fixes Improvements : RJSanModder ORG Patch: DimZet Proper Radar : Junior_Djjr, Jéssica Natália (base), GTA Trilogy (base) Mod tester who contributed for PF Mobile: Sunflow, ZOX, Pedrogamer, , Rcrydan, theiconic,
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