Combining Learning-Based Locomotion with Model-Based Manipulation for Legged Mobile Manipulators

Deep reinforcement learning produces robust locomotion policies for legged robots over challenging terrains. To date, few studies have leveraged model-based methods to combine these locomotion skills with the precise control of manipulators. Here, we incorporate external dynamics plans into learning-based locomotion policies for mobile manipulation. We train the base policy by applying a random wrench sequence on the robot base in simulation and add the noisified wrench sequence prediction to the policy observations. The policy then learns to counteract the partially-known future disturbance. The random wrench sequences are replaced with the wrench prediction generated with the dynamics plans from model predictive control to enable deployment. We show zero-shot adaptation for manipulators unseen during training. On the hardware, we demonstrate stable locomotion of legged robots with the prediction of the external wrench. Link to the publication:
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