Dan&Blair - Crazy or falling in love (Happy birthday, Courtney!)

READ FIRST! WATCH IN 720p, SMALL SCREEN! I DON’T OWN ANYTHING APART FROM THE EDITING! ________________________________________________________ HAPPY B-DAY, COURTNEY! Hun, I hope you have the most amazing bday ever, and I wish you all the best, cause you deserve it and even more! You are amazing and I LOVE YOU! This is my little gift for you, hope you will like it :) I uploaded at exactly midnight Sydney time =D _________________________________________________________ NO COUPLE BASHING!!! So, a Dan/Blair video this time :) Crazy, right? Not so much. Even though ChuckBlair are and will always be my Gossip Girl OTP, DB are my little guilty pleasure :P And I loved them in the last few episodes, can’t wait to see where this goes! And also, this is a bday gift for my amazing friend Courtney (aka lazyleggings)
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