Complete Soundtrack from Mafia II with official, in-game, cut and bonus tracks.
Composed by Matúš Široký & Adam Kuruc, performed by FILMharmonic Orchestra Prague.
Conductor & Supervising Orchestrator - Andy Brick
Orchestral Music Producer - Petr Pýcha
Orchestral Music Editor - Reed Robins
Orchestral Music Mix - Michal Pekárek
Orchestral Sound Engineer - Jan Kotzmann
Orchestral Studio Technician - Cenda Kotzmann
Jazz Quartet - Adam Kuruc (Piano), Stanislava Kociov (Drum Sets), Juraj Griglák (Upright Bass), Radoslav Nedbálek (Guitar)
Sampled Music Mix - Matúš Široký, Marek Horváth
00:00 Main Menu Theme
04:02 Pause Theme
06:27 Game Over
06:37 Prologue
[Kapitola 1: Domovina / Chapter 1: The Old Country]
10:04 “Sicily“
10:49 “Sicily Fight“
13:15 “Sicily Fight 2“
14:25 “Don Calò“
[Kapitola 2: Domov, sladký domov / Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home]
15:16 Empire Bay
16:18 “Family Reunion“
16:58 Bombers Fight
[Kapitola 3: Nepřítel státu / Chapter 3: Enemy of the State]
18:02 “Sure, Derek“
18:20 “Money for Barber“
19:33 “Bill“
20:00 Price Office Stealth
22:00 Price Office Fighting
[Kapitola 4: Murphyho zákony / Chapter 4: Murphy’s Law]
22:56 “Another Job“
23:21 “Jewelry Store & O’Neill Gang“
24:25 Enemy of the State / Escape
26:35 “Arcade“
27:03 Roof
[Kapitola 5: Pila / Chapter 5: The Buzzsaw]
27:56 Misery Lane
29:32 Whiskey Heat / Distilery Street
31:22 Distilery Firstfloor
32:35 “Sidney Pen“
33:19 The Hot Food Hop / Surprise / Way Out
34:18 El Greco
35:30 “Goodbye for Now“
35:55 Family First
[Kapitola 6: Dobře strávený čas / Chapter 6: Time Well Spent]
36:32 Trials and Tribulations
38:55 Prison Arrival
39:55 Fresh Meat
40:51 Prison Welcome
41:51 “Prison Life“
42:11 Prison Yard First
44:25 “O’Neill“
45:02 Prison Fight with Brian
45:55 Surprise Visit
47:19 “Showers“
48:22 Prison Fight with Rapists
49:16 The Darkest Hour
50:08 Prison Final Fight
50:51 “Brian’s Death“
[Kapitola 8: Divočáci / Chapter 8: The Wild Ones]
51:23 “Wake Up, Vito!“
51:47 Up In Smoke
52:55 Hot Rod / Hot Rod Chase
54:27 Gatecrashers
55:32 “The Gate“
55:51 The Works
[Kapitola 9: Drsňák a účetní / Chapter 9: Balls and Beans]
57:22 Follow That Car!
58:33 Sewers
59:02 Prisoners
59:39 Slaughterhouse Shuffle
1:01:17 “Revelation“
1:02:56 Close Combat
1:03:39 “Way Out“
1:04:07 Balls and Beans / Fight Reinforcements
1:05:08 “Luca’s End“
1:06:04 Thought of You
1:09:55 Cosa Nostra
[Kapitola 10: Pokojová služba / Chapter 10: Room Service]
1:12:19 “Plan“
1:13:35 “Disguise“
1:13:51 Lift Music
1:14:42 “Into the Sky“
1:15:53 Roof Fight
1:16:57 “Empire Arms Explosion“
1:18:17 Room Service / Skyscraper Action
1:20:14 “Elevator Escape“
1:20:20 Cleaning Up / Basement Action
1:21:28 “Marty’s Sacrifice“
1:21:49 Car Chase
1:22:52 Playing for Keeps
1:23:32 “Failure“
1:23:41 Regrets
[Kapitola 11: Náš přítel / Chapter 11: A Friend of Ours]
1:24:05 A Friend of Ours / Race
1:26:15 “We Gotta Hide“
1:26:30 Hiding
1:28:12 “Disclosure“
1:28:29 Wake Up Call
1:29:13 “Ain’t the Brightest Idea“
1:29:54 Hide and Seek
1:30:45 Just Business
1:33:06 For Better, For Worse
[Kapitola 12: Mořský dar / Chapter 12: Sea Gift]
1:33:55 “A Lot of Money“
1:36:52 Henry’s Score
1:38:31 “Fucking Setup“
1:38:49 Ambush
1:39:57 Cops and Cobblers / Fight Inside
[Kapitola 13: Odejít od draka / Chapter 13: Exit the Dragon]
1:41:17 The Killing
1:42:12 Beasts from the East / Park Fight
1:43:15 Farewell Lincoln Park
1:44:08 The Mysterious Mr. Wong / Following the Car
1:45:18 “The Raid“
1:45:49 “Fucking Membership Fee“
1:46:02 Storming the Restaurant
1:47:46 Opium Lair
1:49:05 Red Dragon / Laboratory Fight
1:50:15 “Your Choice“
[Kapitola 14: Schody do nebe / Chapter 14: Stairway to Heaven]
1:51:45 Revenge
1:52:35 Kill Derek 1
1:53:24 An Apple and a Tree
1:55:26 Kill Derek 2
1:56:37 “Looking for Joe“
1:57:02 “Interrogation“
1:59:20 Sneaking
2:00:58 Garage Fight
2:01:54 Men at Work / CS Fight
2:03:20 “Rescue and Gratitude“
2:03:45 “Crisis Averted“
2:04:27 Bad Memories
[Kapitola 15 / Chapter 15: Per Aspera Ad Astra]
2:05:14 “Quiet Before the Storm“
2:05:43 “The Last Chance“
2:08:04 Stairway to the Stars / Planetarium Action
2:09:41 Last Orders / Boss Fight
2:11:10 “The Dare“
2:12:43 The End
2:14:48 Credits
2:18:25 Alternate Ending
2:22:00 “Credits Theme“
2:26:34 Sicily
2:27:23 Main Theme (piano version)
2:28:55 “Beta Theme“ (2008)
2:31:18 Demo End
2:32:47 “Bridge Roadblock“ (DEMO)
2:33:14 “Distillery Fragment“ (DEMO)
2:33:28 “PS3 XMB Theme“
2:34:57 “Remixed Theme - Prologue“ / Gamescom 2009 Minitrailer
2:37:16 “Fankit Music“
2:38:37 “Web Theme“
2:58:17 Intro
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