Rusty Water - Talking With Flowers (Full Album)

Rusty Water - Talking With Flowers (Full Album) The birth of Rusty Water took place in a shed and the continuous rebirths have taken place in haunted gardens, dingy basements, and charming venues crossing Canada- and back again. The evolution of Rusty Water is happening quicker than you can blink, taking us to depths and heights and leaving us somewhere between folk rock and the cosmos. Talking With Flowers was released in 2011. 1. Walls - 0:00 2. Grain of Man - 6:05 3. Pear Tree - 10:10 4. Nothing But The Wind - 13:41 5. Rainy - 20:48 6. God’s Laughter - 25:11 7. Perfume Hour - 29:14 8. Sound Asleep - 32:34 9. Vanessa - 36:00 10. The World - 38:19 Support Rusty Water by purchasing the album here
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