Let steam off with Soul (ENG subtitles)

#angermanagement #consciousawakening #matrixescape In this video Olga Astafyeva @new_energy_world talks how you can only lead by example and cannot force anyone to change. It’s important to not be afraid to show your real emotions. The first thing we learn is how to accept all your states through Soul . We learn how to let ourselves express all the emotions through Soul and then Soul transforms everything into the pure energy. Soul teaches us how to set boundaries without starting a war. If at the moment of an “attack“ you feel anger then this is the energy that you are filled with, it is your internal state that simply got mirrored to you. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be attacked, you simply would not attract such situation to yourself. People are ruled by 2 things: DNA and identity and when you reconnect with Soul these “rulers“ start to be released. It doesn’t mean that you loose your identity and you become a “spineless” creature. No, it means that your identity would be upgraded and Soul will bring up those qualities in you that are needed by the world. Soul helps to transition from I to We. If you are not happy with yourself, with the world around you you will not be able to give to this world anything apart from destruction. You will not be able to give love to this world as you don’t have it inside. Olga’s life goal is to keep on strengthening her contact with Soul so that she is fully accepting all of her internally distorted parts and she becomes as pure as possible. So that she can give all this purity to the world.
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