Drifting in and out of sleep | Deep Back Massage | No talking

Imagine yourself lying down in a comfortable and warm room, relaxed and open to receiving. A caring touch is placed on your lower back and behind your heart centre. You allow your body to further release the tension that has been holding in for so long. You trust and allow your feelings and thoughts to just pour out of your body. Feelings of guilt, shame and fear. Feelings of unworthiness and regret start seeping out of your body. Somehow you remember, you are not those feelings. You are something much more than that, and everything that’s flowing out of you is a mechanism you developed, to help you navigate this world. You are safe now. Strong enough to stand on your own two feet. These feelings serve no purpose anymore and you release them completely. You feel yourself again. Strong yet vulnerable, sensitive yet powerful. Shining brightly and smiling wholeheartedly. Thank you for being courageous and have chosen to heal yourself. It’s my honour to be a part of your journey. Love Demetris
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