Hooves Like Jagger! [PMV] For Brynn!

RAWR HEY GUISE C: INSPIRATION FOR VIDEO TITLE: SRSLY GO VOTE FOR THAT PIC ON 25TH OKAY MY ROVELIES?? COZ C’MON. WHO WOULDN’T WANT TO WEAR THAT PIECE OF AWESOMENESS? ;D I’M SORRY This is kinda boring in some places aaa It was a spur of the moment video OwO This video is for one of my best friends in the world! Brynn mentioned how she loved this song and I randomly got inspired by her mentioning it then to make this :D I did it in like 2 hours and it’s effectless and yeah owo BRYNN THIS IS FOR BEING ONE OF THE BEST FRIENDS I’LL EVER MAKE, FOR BEING THE SWEETEST GIRL ON EARTH AND FOR YOU AND DAN HELPING BRIGHTEN UP MY CRAPPY WEEK ;3; I promise I’ll do tons more for you when I feel better though X3 I HOPE YOU CAN ALL STILL ENJOY AAAA I’ve had a pretty crappy week over here XD; And I don’t feel insanely well as of this second owo;;; So I’m gonna prolly go play
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