The magic of auto-fit and auto-fill (and the difference between them)

Be one of the first to know when the course launches: Check out Scrimba: One of the coolest things about CSS Grid is “repeat()“ when setting up our grid-template-columns and grid-template-rows. While handy, giving them a set amount of columns can, sometimes, be a little too limiting. Using the auto-fit and auto-fill keywords instead of a number, combined with minmax(), we can do some real magic. #cssgrid --- Come and hangout, ask questions, suggest ideas, and meet some awesome people over in The Community: I have a newsletter! I’ve been working on some courses! Find out more: --- My Code Editor: VS Code - ... #Kevin_Powell #tutorial #html #css #css_grid #auto-fit #auto-fill #the_difference_between_auto-fit_and_auto-fill 20190815 qjJR3qYCd54
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