The Invention of Television (1929)

“When will the next commonplace? A few years ago a Scientist named Baird experimented with this crude machine....“ C/U of primitive machinery. Different shot of the same machine. L/S of row of houses with tall pylons outside. C/U of window at the back of a house which has wires attached to a device in the window pane. Interior. C/U of man pulling a switch and turning a dial. C/U of a man making notes on a piece of paper and talking into a microphone. “Primitive to look at, this transmitting gear sent vision across the Atlantic early in 1928.“ C/Us of more broadcasting machinery. “Today, television is an accomplished Baird’s machine (which was tested by the Postmaster General recently) daily ’televises’ through the ether.“ M/S of one of the machines being operated, L/S of the same. “The rotating disc scans the object televised, thus permitting the electric eye to transmit the light and shade of the subject under the ray...“ C/U of part of the machine in operation. Various shots of the different parts of the transmitting machinery. “Dancing Mr. George Gee, the famous comedian (of “Hold Everything“ at the Palace Theatre.)“ C/U of George Gee speaking into a microphone, presumably being “televised“. “Today’s transmitter is a vast advance on the old Coulsdon gear of 1925.“M/S of man standing beside equipment twiddling knobs. Low angle shot of transmitter poles. “On the receiving machine George Gee’s face is “smiling through“. M/S of five girls gathered around the two receiving machines. C/U of a round piece of glass which appears to be receiving a picture of the comedian. (Looks to me like it has been faked by superimposition). A girl’s hand turns a knob on the primitive television set. “And Miss Mamie of “Hold Everything“ also experiencing her first taste of television.“ C/U of Mamie speaking into a microphone, being “televised“. “Inside the whirling disc, and a special neon light which flicks the image into being.“ C/U of the whirling disc. C/U of man lifting off part of the machine which covers the neon light. C/U of two girls looking into the receiver, they chat and laugh. C/U of the receiver with an image of Mamie upon the glass. (Again almost definitely faked). Was an item in Pathe Pictorial issue number 583. Note: flash-frame intertitles. Two safety prints exist. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCINATING INTERVIEWS, AND CLASSIC MOVIES. FOR LICENSING ENQUIRIES VISIT British Pathé also represents the Reuters historical collection, which includes more than 136,000 items from the news agencies Gaumont Graphic (1910-1932), Empire News Bulletin (1926-1930), British Paramount (1931-1957), and Gaumont British (1934-1959), as well as Visnews content from 1957 to the end of 1984. All footage can be viewed on the British Pathé website.
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