*이 영상에는 간접광고 및 가상광고가 포함되어 있습니다. *This video contains indirect and virtual advertising. 👬Did they on the same wavelength❓ ✨A special mental bibimbap ✨ made with the cooperation of the members! What is the result of the members’ choices combined?🙋 🎊NCTDREAM’s mukbang is released for the first time🎊 👬드림이들의 텔레파시는 통했을까❓ 멤버들의 협동(?)으로 완성된 쏘 스페셜한✨멘.탈.비빔밥✨❗ 과연 멤버들의 취향이 합쳐진 결과는?🙋
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