Creators & Hosts of Sovereign Spirits: Wayne Bush is a researcher, writer and creator of website. Julie McVey is an author, out-of-body experiencer and creator of the UnOrdinary Made Ordinary show. (We have not monetized this video. We are freely giving of our time & energy. Any ads that appear are from YouTube, not us.)
In this episode, we discuss the personal out-of-body experiences of Julie McVey, how these types of experiences could help us discover how to exit the matrix, and the techniques used to go out of body.
Content of video:
0:50 Intro of topics of today’s episode
1:38 One key to exiting the matrix
4:26 discuss spinning into a vortex, entering into portal, flying over unknown city or landscape, talking with other astral travels or deceased beings / pets
5:02 give personal examples of void, confirmation of psychic or clair ability, experiencing two consciousness at same time, visiting another planet, islands in the sky, and how to exit the matrix
6:03 Entering into black void using direct method, seeing geometrical shapes & emotional neutrality
10:06 Experiencing two consciousnesses at the same time
13:41 Evidence / proof that I am out of body
17:08 Visiting another planet, Gilyar
21:38 Islands in the sky experience
24:28 The importance of using intention
28:11 Using intention to change hair color
30:25 How do I get out of this matrix system
35:00 How do I exit the matrix!
38:22 Method used to go out of body
39:20 Wake Back To Bed Method (Indirect Method)...wake up & fall back to sleep with intention to go out of body or
use Direct Method (balancing on the edge of unconsciousness & semi-unconsciousness)
42:56 Set out to complete whatever goals you have intended for yourself
43:40 Sensations upon awakening
44:17 Michael Raduga techniques, The Phase (
45:03 Out of body tips
46:00 Setting up protections
48:37 Use discernment & protection
49:11 Unusual discoveries
52:35 What to do with negative energies
53:20 Set intentions throughout the day & reality checks
54:13 Lucid dream vs. OBE
58:51 Don’t give up!
1:00:00 Astral realm is still part of the matrix
1:02:07 We are sovereign spirits
Direct Method:
1) Wake up two hours before you normally wake up.
2) Get out of bed and do a few things for 5 minutes to 50 minutes.
3) Go back to bed and get into a comfortable position for your body to go back to sleep.
4) Try to keep your consciousness on the edge of wakefulness.
5) Use a “loosening technique” such as mentally swaying your nonphysical body within your physical body. Do this for 10-20 minutes.
6) When you feel exit sensations (i.e. nonphysical body actually begins swaying motions, vibrating, floating or sinking), then immediately levitate to exit or just stand up and walk away from your sleeping body. (Note: When you get up, it will most likely feel so real that you think it’s your physical body getting up. Do it anyway, because chances are that it is your nonphysical body getting up.)
If the direct method does not work for you, just allow yourself to fall back to sleep. Upon each awakening during the next couple hours, implement the indirect method. (If you don’t want to use the direct method, that is fine, but you must still follow the above steps 1 through 3 before implementing the indirect method.
Indirect Method:
1) When you feel yourself waking, whether from a dream or simply realize you are waking, keep your body still and allow your consciousness to become aware of any possible exist sensations (i.e. nonphysical body is swaying, vibrating, floating or sinking).
2) Immediately levitate to exit or just stand up and walk away from your sleeping body.
3) If you do not feel any exit sensations, immediately begin “loosening techniques” such as mentally swaying your nonphysical body within your physical body for about a minute or so.
4) Some have more success when alternating techniques. There are many but some good ones are: rotating your body from right and then to left (for 5 seconds), then rubbing and/or clapping your hands in front of your face (for 5 seconds), then swimming motions (for 5 seconds). Alternate these four times so that you are performing them for at least one minute.
5) When you feel exit sensations (i.e. nonphysical body actually begins swaying motions, vibrating, floating or sinking), immediately levitate to exit or just stand up and walk away from your sleeping body. (Note: When you get up, it will most likely feel so real that you think it’s your physical body getting up. Do it anyway, because chances are that it is your nonphysical body getting up.)
6) If it doesn’t work after a minute, allow yourself to fall back to sleep. Try again upon the next awakening.
#OBEs #outofbody #astralprojection #astraltravel #matrix #soultrap #waynebush #juliemcvey #escapethematrix
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