King and Queen visit with Dambusters (1943)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Your Majesties meet with Wing Commander Gibson and view pictures of the Dam-Busters Full Description: Gaumont British Ident SLATE INFORMATION: Royal Visit to the Dam-Busters UNKNOWN: INT/EXT AEROPLANES. . King w. Queen visits bomber station.. w. . Gibson operations new designs for to ground crews ELIZABETH, Queen of England. W. King & Wng. Cmdr. Gibson at bomber to grnd. opps room. GEORGE VI KING OF ENGLAND. W. Queen visits bomber . Wing. Comdr. Gibson to ground. ops new crest designs GIBSON, Wing Commander V.C. & Queen at Bomber opps room etc. Royalty; Airforce - Active bomber command, wreckage, majesty, squadron, Wing Commander Gibson VC, crew, crews, station Background: Your Majesties meet wi
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