Breaking Free from US Domination: The Power of Article 6

X Spaces Q&A Discussion on removing the United States from the United Nations and the implications of such an action. Key Points: The UN was created as a colonizing institution, and the US has dominated it since its inception. The US has used its veto power to block decisions that go against its interests, violating the principles of the UN Charter. Removing the US from the UN would allow the organization to operate as intended, with equal representation for all member states. The power dynamics have changed, and the US is no longer the dominant power it once was. The US has not been held in check by being a member of the UN, and its removal would not lead to chaos or instability. The veto power system is a problem, but getting rid of it would be difficult and may not be a priority. The owners and controllers of global financialized capital (OC GFC) have divergent interests and may not all be opposed to the US being removed from the UN. Some members of the OC GFC may see the US as an obstacle to their interests and may support its removal from the UN. The trend is towards isolating the US and disconnecting it from the rest of the world, which could be beneficial for the OC GFC. Steps to Remove the US from the UN: Reach 100,000 signatures on a petition to demonstrate public support. Approach UN member states, particularly those affected by US hegemony, to invoke Article 6 of the UN Charter. The UN Security Council will vote on the resolution, and the US will not be allowed to vote. If the resolution passes, it will be sent to the UN General Assembly for a final vote. Other Points: The discussion is not about changing the UN Charter or reforming the veto power system, but about activating Article 6, which is already part of the Charter. The removal of the US from the UN would not lead to a power vacuum, as the global community would work together to make decisions. The OC GFC is not a monolithic group, and its members have different interests and positions on the US’s role in the UN. Sign the Petition: Follow on X:
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