Конгресс молодых ученых. Секция “Digital Humanities“. Заседание 1.

Представленные доклады: 1. To the issue of speech synthesis effectiveness in teaching a foreign language (the case of teaching English to Japanese students). 2. On the Philosophical Foundations of Digital Humanities. 3. Main directions of implementation of the translation system Highly specialized medical content in patient-oriented telemedicine systems. 4. Research of interference in psychological portrait of personality based on wave-semantic model. 5. Development of a classification model for determining the bias of political texts in English (Разработка классификационной модели для определения предвзятости текстов политического содержания на английском языке). 6. The teacher and the healer: two aspects of the Medieval Swallow. 7. Interactive learning method: application with elements of gamification.
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