Touring an apartment full of indoor plants | Indoor Plants and Balcony Gardens | Gardening Australia

We meet Shajan Valaedan, an optometrist with a stunning set up for his indoor plants as well as a collection of unusual caudex varieties. Subscribe 🔔 Shajan Velaeden is an optometrist by day and “plant daddy” by night. Living in the Melbourne CBD there’s few opportunities for having a garden but Shajan bought his apartment for the unusually large courtyard. Inside and out is full of beautiful plant collections from highly prized aroids to unusual caudex and succulent plants. It’s a calming green haven to come home to after a busy of day at work. “When you enter you just get this whiff of fresh air, of plants, the room smell is actually sort of relaxing. I say hi to the plants every morning and evening, they’re sort of like your little babies, and so each time when you come home you see the new growth or new bloom you get excited.” Shajan grew up in Singapore with his identical twin brother and two sisters. “I was born to mixed parentage, my dad’s Indian my
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