The Lake Pontchartrain Bridge Shows Earth’s Curvature?

There are several photographs and videos of the Louisiana Lake Pontchartrain causeway and transmission lines showing what globe enthusiasts claim to be visual proof of the curvature of the Earth. In the footage, the bridge and transmission lines, when viewed from a certain angle and height, appear to curve downward as they tend toward the horizon, and this apparent curvature is claimed to be proof of the globe... Get Connected With Me: Website: Blog: Forum: Books: Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: SoundCloud: Mewe: Minds: Gab: Goodreads: YouTube: Odysee: @EricDubay:c BitChute: BrandNewTube: @EricDubay Real Truthseekers: Rokfin: Rumble: Telegram: Email: ericdubaynewsletter@
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