吳宏博、陸婉瑩 Tango timing 探戈節拍

playlist (吳宏博、陸婉瑩) 本視頻 _____ _ _ choreography promenade tap (Chase 追逐步) chasse to right natural fallaway whisk switch same foot lunge reverse pivot reverse fallaway slip pivot viennese waltz cross closed telemark hover corte swivel switch outside swivel lunge outside check outside swivel 外側迴旋步 natural spin pivot right lunge 右擊劍步 stop lock 探戈 側行點踏步 追擊步 並退左轉 滑軸轉 同腳劍步 閉式滑雪型轉步 外側迴旋 側行併退步 刷踏步 外側切步
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