HD is better for your eyes
Hi guys !
In my group LoveIsLove, we are doing an Advent Calendar event and everyday someone from the group will post a video for his/her secret santa.
Today is my turn to give my present to Célia aka LiasWorkinProgress!
When I first saw peter pan and wendy on your list of favourites, I was sure I had to edit them! I hope you’ll like this little gift.
Enjoy it!❤️
Coucou Célia, j’espère que tu apprécieras cette petite vidéo.
On n’avait pas beaucoup de show en commun donc j’ai choisi d’éditer un des films favoris de mon enfance et une de mes chansons préférées d’harry styles.❤️
Je te souhaites de passer un joyeux noël 🎄🎅
GO SUB LoveIsLove:
GO SUB Célia: @LiasWorkinProgress
fandom: peter pan(2003)
song: falling by harry styles
coloring: cold water by XxxXDream/GoldenxDream
#fanvidfeed #peterpan #LoveIsLoveSS
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