Comment votre LANGUE transforme votre VISAGE (et votre santé)
Est-ce que notre apparence est uniquement déterminée par notre génétique ou nos habitudes jouent un rôle ?
La posture linguale aussi appelée mewing affecte dramatiquement notre apparence, nos capacités respiratoires et notre santé au long terme.
🛍️ Livres :
“Evolution of the Human Head“ de Daniel Lieberman :
“Story of the human body“ de Daniel Lieberman :
🍿 De la même série :
🕐 Timestamps :
00:00 Ben & Quinton
01:04 L’évolution du crâne humain
02:22 La langue
03:40 Causes
05:02 Conséquences
05:53 Solutions
07:22 Outro
📩 Rejoindre la Joffletter :
📃 Sources :
The evolution of the human head
Daniel Lieberman 2011
Advances in the study of behavior
muller M N et J C Mitani
The effect of tongue strength on meal consumption in long term care
Ashwini M Namasivayam 2016
How does the tongue work?
National library of Medicine 2010 & 2016
Significance of nonrespiratory airflow during swallowing
Martin B Brodsky et al 2012
Oxygen Saturation and Suck-Swallow-Breathe Coordination of Term Infants during Breastfeeding and Feeding from a Teat Releasing Milk Only with Vacuum
Vanessa S Sakalidis et al 2012
Clarification of the aspects of tongue-palate contacts during mastication with/without stage II transport
Makoto Ogawa et al 2021
Association between breastfeeding and the development of breathing patterns in children
Adriana Bezerra Limeira et al 2013
Déglutition-respiration : couple fondamental et paradoxal
Michel GUATTERIE & Valérie LOZANO 2005
The association of tongue posture with the dentoalveolar maxillary and mandibular morphology in Class III malocclusion: a controlled study
Jasmina Primozic et al 2012
Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy in Tongue Thrust Habit: A Narrative Review
Sejal S Shah et al 2021
Different approaches to the treatment of skeletal Class II malocclusion during growth: Bionator versus extraoral appliance
Dental Press J Orthod 2020
Relationship between skeletal Class II and Class III malocclusions with vertical skeletal pattern
Sonia Patricia Plaza et al 2019
Developmental Changes in Tongue Strength, Swallow Pressures, and Tongue Endurance
Nancy L. Potter 2021
Evaluation of the position and morphology of tongue and hyoid bone in skeletal Class II malocclusion based on cone beam computed tomography
Wener Chen 2021
Tongue movements in patients with skeletal Class II malocclusion evaluated with real-time balanced turbo field echo cine magnetic resonance imaging
Fatih Yılmaz 2011
Posture of the head, the hyoid bone, and the tongue in children with and without enlarged tonsils
K Behlfelt 1990
Standard Values of Maximum Tongue Pressure Taken Using Newly Developed Disposable Tongue Pressure Measurement Device
Yuri Utanohara 2008
Tongue pressure distribution of individual normal occlusions and exploration of related factors
Min Yu et al 2019
Tongue pressure measurement in children with mouth-breathing behaviour
N D Azevedo 2018
Three-dimensional evaluation of pharyngeal airway and maxillary arch in mouth and nasal breathing children with skeletal Class I and II
Janvier Habumugisha 2022
Palatal surface and volume in mouth-breathing subjects evaluated with three-dimensional analysis of digital dental casts-a controlled study
Roberta Lione 2015
The influence of snoring, mouth breathing and apnoea on facial morphology in late childhood: a three-dimensional study
Ala Al Ali 2015
#santé #posture #langue #respiration #mewing #glowup
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