The full AVGN theme song from his Sega CD Review.
I am making no money from this video, i am mereley a fan of the AVGN’s work and decided to post the full length theme on youtube. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGMEMT INTENDED. EDIT: for any of those people who want the Lyrics to this song i shall include them.
He’s gonna take you back to the past
To play the shitty games that suck ass
He’d rather have, a buffalo
Take a diarrhea dump in his ear
He’d rather eat, the rotten asshole
Of a roadkilled skunk and down it with Beer
He’s the angriest gamer you’ve ever Heard,he’s the angry nintendo nerd,he’s the angry atari sega nerd, hes the angry video game nerd.
When you turn on your T.V
Make sure it’s tuned to channel 3
He’s got a neardy shirt,
And a pocket pouch
Although I’ve never seen him write anything down
He’s got a power glove,
And a filthy mouth
Armed with his zapper he will tear These games dow
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