Казань в начале 1930-х годов / Kazan in the 1930s

Казань в начале 1930-х годов Фотографии Фрэнк Уитсон Феттер Kazan in the early 1930s Photgraphs by frank Whitson Fetter Here I present a series of photographs of Kazan, the the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Unfortunately, there are no descriptions for the photographs... In 1920, the Decree on the formation of the Autonomous Tatar Soviet Socialist Republic with its capital in Kazan was signed. In the 1930s, intensive industrialisation of the city began, accompanied by rapid population growth. New enterprises were built, new“ cogeneration“ factories (the generation of electricity and useful heat jointly, especially the utilisation of steam left over from electricity generation for heating) were commissioned. Yet, despite this, the city suffered during the 1920 and 1930s and most of the city’s mosques and churches were destroyed.....
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