emmett & rosalie ❖ ORIGIN STORY AU

i adore annasophia robb; and i thought she would make a super sweet rosalie (definitely more gentle than canon rosalie in the books tho lol); plus i’m such a sucker for emmett & rosalie, and we never really got their story on screen - so this was the result! I would have loved to view a movie version of emmett’s transformation after the bear attack; and rosalie finally having someone who can love her in the right way! please mind if its rather simple and not as great as my other work; i made this super quick so it isn’t anything crazy special! purely a self indulgent vid! characters: emmett cullen & rosalie hale (twilight) program: fcpx song: love - lana coloring: pale blue by maryxstuart #fanvidfeed #emmettandrosalie #twilight #au #viddingisart
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