Cyberpunk 2077 3rd Person Is NOT The Way To Play

Cyberpunk 2077 is a first person experience... or is it? With Jelle Bakker’s mod you can finally play Cyberpunk 2077 in the third person using a PC mod created by Nexus Mods user sarunama. But just because humanity can do something, doesn’t mean it should. As seen in the video above, Jake Dekker and Rob Handlery discover that Cyberpunk 2077 is not a game you want to play in third-person. When we’re allowed to see how protagonist V moves, we’re met with a hip-shaking, torso twisting abomination of a human being. Granted, the mod is still a work-in-progress, so V’s appearance in third-person could be improved in the future. But for now, yeah, this mod basically lets you in on the secret that Cyberpunk 2077 is actually some twisted horror game where you’re the monster. It’s now completely understandable why everyone in Night City is trying to shoot you all the time.  Cyberpunk 2077 has had a bit of a rough launch. As noted in GameSpot’s Cyberpunk 2077 review, the game can be somewhat buggy on PC and even more
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