“Most People Don’t Even Realize It’s Happening“ | Edward Snowden Shocking Message

“Most People Don’t Even Realize It’s Happening“ | Edward Snowden Shocking Message For more subscribe to our channel @Anonymous Official : Please SHARE this as widely as you feel drawn... Edward Snowden says your phone is constantly transmitting your data whether it is on or off. Edwards Snowden tells all about how your iPhone is not really ever off. Edward Snowden tells all about his experience working at the CIA, NSA, FBI and the government as a contractor and what he learned they were doing illegally. Edward Snowden further explains that we need to take action against mass government surveillance against the American people, they are our taking away our rights and you need to be warned. This is a motivational and educational video which will give you different perspective about many things, You will listen to incredible advice that is very important. Check it out! Special thanks Edward Snowden Follow us Anonymous on YouTube:
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