2000-0311 Address to IAS Officers, Stress and Tension Management, Mumbai, India
Archive video: H.H. Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi at Sahaja Yoga Public Program 2000 in Auditorium, Mumbai (India).
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I bow to all the seekers of truth. That’s a very interesting subject that has been given to Me to talk to you people because I have been always worried about the IAS, IPS, and other Government servants, very much worried because I have known the kind of life My husband was leading. And I used to think: if these new people, who have come to the services, to the Government service, we have to tell them the dangers that are ahead of them. Because we don’t know what is the subtle system within us, which works.
And in the subtle system, when we lead this kind of a very speedy, intensive life, it has a defect. It has a defect you can see in the chart. They have shown the, they have shown the subtle system which works it out. So we have a center here on the crossing of the optic chiasma. These, this center is very important because we react with this. We react to everything. By this reaction we create a problem within ourselves. And this reaction comes to us because we do not know how to go beyond the mind. Every time we are looking at something, we react. We look at someone, we react. But we cannot just watch. We cannot be just the witness. If we could be the witness, it will not have any effect on us. But we cannot be. That’s the trouble when this center is very active. We call it as Agnya chakra, where the two optic nerves meet. At the crossing point, this center is placed.
Even Jung has said that, “You have to go beyond your thoughts and that you have to become thoughtlessly aware.” Even in our Shastras is it written that, “You have to have Nirvichar Samadhi,” is without thought and the another is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Now even Einstein has said that, “You have to go beyond the mind to reach the torsion area,” he calls. When he was searching for his Theory of Relativity, he found it was difficult. He couldn’t find it. He got very tired. He went into his garden and was playing with soap bubbles like a child. Then he says, “Suddenly from somewhere else it dawned upon me this Theory of Relativity.” He calls it openly as a torsion area and this torsion area we have to touch instead of ourselves thinking all the time and reacting. Because as a result of that what happens we should see.
What happens is that our movement on the autonomous nervous system goes to the right side. The right side, it’s very good otherwise: A person looks very impressive. He can oppress other. He can be aggressive. He can be very systematic. All these things can be there but it has a reaction. The reaction is horrible because this right side affects our liver to begin with. Now the liver is called ‘liver’ because live, we live because of liver only. That’s why it’s called ‘liver’. This liver gets affected and there is no actually treatment we should say in the medical science for liver. They can replace it with a pig’s liver or some liver like that. But otherwise, there is no way out. But we are the ones we are spoiling this liver ourself by creating tremendous heat in the liver. This special liver has got a capacity to absorb heat and release heat into the blood stream and then, you see, it gets relieved of it. But when it is too much, when the liver is too much full of heat then it cannot give up that heat. Then heat, this heat, heat starts traveling upward. It can go to the right lung. It can go to the heart.
#spirituality #meditation #kundalini #enlightenment #kundaliniawakening #kundaliniawaken #holyspirit #selfrealisation #selfrealization #sahajayoga #awakening #shrimataji #chakra
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3 years ago 01:04:48 1
2000-0311 Address to IAS Officers, Stress and Tension Management, Mumbai, India
1 year ago 01:29:04 1
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