Well, here it is, after two years of a troubled production, it’s finally here. I’m in disbelief this even happened. This movie had a rocky production, to say the least, it sort of became a running joke with people I know. The film “The Legend“ became an urban legend, people questioned if it even existed.
Well I am here to confirm it does in fact exist, and I have not been a socially awkward hermit for two years, and I have been productive. I would like to thank everyone involved for making this project come to life. I started writing the script for this in June of 2016, with the final draft being completed in December of 2016. Cameras started rolling in August of 2017, with the very last shot being filmed at the start of this month. There were times I had doubts on if this film could end up working, but when I saw the completed Cavalry Charge sequence in a rough assembly, I knew I had something special. This film is a call back to the Westerns of old while adding some new twists and turns. I won’t explain too much about the production history here, as that would take up the entire description, but you can expect a director’s commentary and behind the scenes video in the near future. Before watching I would like to put some disclaimers.
(Please ignore the mic bumps from Frederick Crane. These did not appear until after the film had been edited, and I have no idea why they are there. Everything possible was done to correct them, but it ended up being impossible. Obviously, not every effect is perfect, but there’s a point where you just have to get the film done. Any more time spent on special effects would have delayed the film even longer and I wanted it out by the holidays. And for some reason, some scenes contain a weird bouncy movement, this can be seen most clearly in the credits. I have no idea how this got there, but in the future, I will try to correct it. Perhaps you can expect a sort of “Special Edition“ in the days ahead. Without unnecessary changes of course. I would like to address the “historical concerns“ of the movie. This film, I repeat, is not, I repeat, a historical film by any means. It has a historical setting but that is all. The plot is fictional, the union would have never touched Texas. Extreme creative liberties were taken. Please don’t comment “Those tactics aren’t accurate“ because this is a movie and sometimes you have to make something more cinematic than it actually was. And please do not take me as a “Lost Cause“ revisionist. The Confederates have a victory at the end, but I do not support them in any way. I did not mean to offend anyone by portraying a Confederate Victory, but history is sometimes ugly. I tried to balance it out with the character of General Andrew, to give the Union more compentance. I voiced more characters than I thought I would be voicing. This is due to many of the original cast backing out due to time constraints. I did not want to give off the impression that “I’m so good I’m going to put myself in many roles“ but rather more of a, I had no choice left. )
1. Opening Logos/Overture/Credits: 0:00-5:42
2. The Battle of Gettysburg: 5:43-9:57
3. Two Years Earlier: 9:58-12:02
4. Tinderland Institution: 12:03- 16:24
5. General Henry’s Plan: 16:25-18:41
6. Escape from Prison: 18:42-22:40
7. Bear Attack: 22:42-24:31
8. Unexpected Hospitality: 24:32- 28:16
9. A bounty hunter and a Texan: 28:17-32:18
10. Travis: 32:19-35:21
11. Coming Home: 35:22-38:12
12. Fort Legoredo: 38:13-42:04
13. Charlie: 42:05-45:13
14. Preparing for Battle: 45:14-48:26
15. The Battle of Littlesnag: 48:27-55:16
16. The Legend: 55:17-1:02:20
17. Williams Plantation: 1:02:21-1:08:03
18. Shootout: 1:08:04- 1:13:20
19. A more personal job: 1:13:21-1:23:03
20. Battle for Fort Legoredo: 1:23:04-1:30:14
21. Intermission: 1:30:15-1:32:03
22. Entr’acte: 1:32:04-1:35:10
23. Travis’s Villany: 1:35:11-1:37:16
24. A looming threat: 1:37:17-1:39:19
25. Restocking weapons: 1:39:20-1:41:57
26. Bar Shootout: 1:41:58-1:44:45
27. Plans of retaliation: 1:44:58-1:46:55
28. Travis’s Hideout: 1:46:56-1:49:49
29. No sense of honor: 1:49:50-1:55:14
30. General Andrew Arrives: 1:55:15-1:55:58
31. Partners: 1:55:59-1:58:00
32. Marching out: 1:58:01-2:00:13
33. Battle in the woods: 2:00:14-2:03:05
34. The game is up: 2:03:06-2:04:41
35. Being Rescued: 2:04:42-2:05:47
36. Artillery Bombardment: 2:05:48-2:08:29
37. Cavarly Charge: 2:08:30-2:10:30
38. Train Chase: 2:10:31-2:12:54
39. Henry’s Demise: 2:12:55-2:13:37
40. The Gunslingers: 2:13:38-2:15:41
41. Duels: 2:15:42-2:16:32
42. The Battle Rages on: 2:16:33-2:19:49
43. The tide turns: 2:19:50-2:21:26
44. Death of a Legend: 2:21:27-2:22:33
45. Andrew Breaksout: 2:22:34-2:24:08
46. Fight for Surrival: 2:24:09-2:27:15
47. A Doomed Future: 2:27:16-2:30:25
48. Defeat: 2:30:26-2:32:30
49. A new Legend Rises: 2:32:31-2:36:18
50. End Credits: 2:36:19-2:41:16
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